Species conservation plans
Great bustard conservation plan, international (2010, European Committee, prepared by BirdLife International)
Great bustard conservation plan for Hungary (2004, Nature Conservation Office of the Ministry for the Environment and Nature)
Documents related to the Bonn Convention (Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals)
Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of the Central European population of the great bustard (accepted at the 3rd MoU meeting, 2013, Hungary,)
Hungarian Country Report for 2018-2022 (5th MoU meeting, 2023, Slovakia)
Hungarian Country Report for 2013-2017 (4th MoU meeting, 2018, Germany)
Hungarian Country Report for 2008-2012 (3rd MoU meeting, 2013, Hungary)
Hungarian Country Report for 2004-2008 (2nd MoU meeting, 2008, Ukraine)
Hungarian Country Report for 2001-2004 (1st MoU meeting, 2004, Austria)